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Showing posts from September, 2017

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Human Resource Outsourcing

Human resource tasks such as payrolls, benefits administration, business processes, recruitment and talent management often require adept skill and understanding to perform. Do you lack experts and time in your company to get the job done? If you do, then you need to outsource human resource tasks to an outside company. This means that you need to hire a company to do some of the job your company has to do in order for profit to grow. HR outsourcing  (also known as HRO) is the process of sub-contracting  human resources  functions to an external supplier. Core HR functions are now outsourced to other companies in order to save on business expenses. Human resource outsourcing is a global trend and is now becoming a booming business in many countries, such as Nigeria, China, Philippines, India and other developing countries. They offer cheap and quality services for companies who are outsourcing human resources. Pros It is a fact that some of the jobs that you need to do re

The Intern: How To Turn Your Internship Into A Full-Time Job

The Intern   Generally, as an intern, you work for little or no pay. You do this just to gain more experience, technical knowledge and career network. During this period, you gain valuable skills, polish your professionalism and create essential business contacts. If you’re a competent intern, you can build helpful references and professional relationships which can even turn into career results. However, internships are still intended for a pre-determined period of time. So what exactly can you do to make this position yours for the taking after the internship duration and turn it into a career opportunity?  Easy - here are some tips on how you can turn your internship into a full-time paid job! First Impressions Be An "Executive Intern" Whether you like it or not, the first impressions that your employer and colleagues get from you really count a lot. You can begin making a strong case for yourself right from day one! You don't have to wait

7 Great Jobs You Can Easily Do From Home And Get Paid

Do you know that there are numerous free work-at-home jobs available through the internet?  These jobs are real and reward you handsomely. They are ideal for stay-at-home mothers, fresh graduates, those seeking a side gig to complement their main job, and those who would rather avoid the stress and hardship out there, amongst others.  Most work-at-home jobs cost absolutely no money to start. All you need is a modern computer with internet connection and a phone.  These jobs allow you spend as much time as you wish (flexibility) as well as save you from the stress of waking up early every morning, getting stuck in traffic, and expending so much energy (convenience). You can apply online and enjoy the fun of working at home at your own convenient time while earning great pay.  You can also opt for part time or full time jobs according to your schedule or needs. Since there are numerous job opportunities available here, you can choose the job according to your ability and qualif